
Volume 40, No 3, 2018, Pages 392-400

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Experimental Study of Frictional Vibrations Under Dry Friction Conditions


G.M. Ismailov*, A.E. Tyurin

DOI: 10.24874/ti.2018.40.03.05


The paper discusses issues related to dynamic characteristics of friction. Vibrations are analyzed on “indenter on disk” system using brass and steel samples as an example. “Indenter on disk” system is changed by addition of supplementary degree of freedom, which allows the tangential component of friction to be analyzed. Vibration recording, processing and interpretation technique, which takes into account interaction speed, is specified. The obtained results can be used in control systems of modern mechanisms with allowances made for vibration and alternating impacts. Emerging vibrations were found to occupy a significant spectral range and have visible borders across the entire duration of implementation. The spectrographic presentation method was applied for visualization.


Wear, Vibration-based diagnostics, Dynamic range, Dry friction

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June 2024

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