
Volume 45, No 2, 2023, Pages 367-374

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Tribological Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Uncaria Gambir Extract Composite as Potential Green
Protective Film


Dieter Rahmadiawan , Hairul Abral ,
Shih-Chen Shi , Tzu-Teng Huang , Rahadian Zainul , Ambiyar , Hendri Nurdin

DOI: 10.24874/ti.1482.05.23.06

Received: 7 April 2023
Revised: 3 May 2023
Accepted: 3 June 2023
Published: 15 June 2023


Polyvinyl Alcohol/Uncaria Gambir Extract (PVA/UG) composite provides good UV light protection and antibacterial, tensile, and thermal properties. To continue our previous research, the tribological properties of PVA, PVA/BA, PVA/UG, and PVA/UG with heat treatment (PVA/UGt) were conducted. The ball-on-disk test results show COF reduced by 42% in PVA/UG compared to PVA. It was proved that heating the PVA/UG significantly improves the tribological properties of the PVA composite, resulting lowest COF (0.08) and wear area (390 µm2). Additionally, incorporating UG also increases the hardness of the PVA composite by up to 73% and. These results corroborate the application of this composite as a potential green protective film.


Uncaria Gambir, PVA, Protective Film, Friction, Wear

Latest issue


Volume 46
Number 2
June 2024

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