
Volume 39, No 3, 2017, Pages 302–306

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Investigation Antiwear Properties of Lubricants with the Geo-Modifiers of Friction


I. Levanov*, A. Doykin, E. Zadorozhnaya, R. Novikov

DOI: 10.24874/ti.2017.39.03.04


The article describes the influence of the geo-modifiers of friction on the antiwear properties of lubricants. Geo-modifiers of friction are the fine powders of mineral materials. This work is directed on the investigation the influence of the geo-modifiers of friction in the form of the hard lubricant compositions, which based on a mineral serpentine, on the anti-wear properties of greases and gear oils. This composition is the fine powder serpentine with the addition of components such as chalk, borax, kaolin and talc. We compared the antiwear properties of the greases without geo-modifiers of friction and the antiwear properties of greases containing the geo-modifiers of friction from 0.5 % to 3 %. The Litol-24 and transmission oil TAD-17 was used for testihg. The four-ball machine of friction was used for tests accordance with GOST 9490-75. As geo-modifiers the serpentine was used, the fraction of which has a size from 0.87 microns to 2.2 microns. Such parameter as the wear scar diameter was used for evaluation of the antiwear properties of lubricants. As a result of tests it was established that the antiwear greases properties improved on 26-50 % depending on the concentration of the geo-modifiers of friction based on the pure serpentine.


Lubricants, Gear oils, Geo-modifiers of friction, Antiwear properties

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September 2024

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