Volume 40, No 2, 2018, Pages 225-238
Nano-Structural Standard of Friction and Wear
DOI: 10.24874/ti.2018.40.02.06
At the most full evolution of tribocontact the unique nanostructure (subtribosystems) is formed and the basis of which is one mechanical (nano) quantum. Mechanical quantum represents the least structural form of solid material body in conditions of friction. It is dynamic oscillator of dissipative friction structure and can be examined as the elementary nanostructure of metal’s solid. At friction in state of most complete evolution of elementary tribocontact all mechanical quantums with the ex?eption of one elasticity and reversibly transform energy of outer impact (mechanic movement). In these terms only one mechanical quantums is the lost – standard of wear. Some practical examples with using of mechanical quantum idea as standard of wear are considered.
Tribocontact, Energy, Balance, Deformation, Evolution, Elementary nanostructure, Wear standard