Volume 41, No 4, 2019, Pages 548-562
Determination of the Rational Composition of the Additive to Oil with the Use of the Katerynivka Friction Geo Modifier
V. Aulin
O. Lyashuk
A. Hrynkiv
S. Lysenko
T. Zamota ,
Y. Vovk
A. Pankov
A. Tykhyi
A. Horkunenko
DOI: 10.24874/ti.2019.41.04.08
Received: 10 October 2019
Revised: 27 November 2019
Accepted: 9 December 2019
Published: 15 December 2019
Studies of the formation of the optimal composition of Tribological additives to the base oil have shown the possibility of improving the characteristics of the tribosystem. It was revealed that this Tribological additive makes it possible to form functional surface layers that provide normal operating conditions for tribological conjugation of parts. Based on the optimization of the technical condition of the Tribological additives, the optimal values of each of its components are obtained. Optimization of the condition provided that the amount of wear should tend to a minimum, and the maximum load and loading of the weld should tend to a maximum. Based on the experimental database on the 4-ball friction machine, an equation is obtained for each of the indicated response functions of the resulting features, based on which, with a desirability value of the order of 1.0, the composition of Tribological additives is obtained: from Katerynivka Friction geo modifiers; Sodium oleate, copper sulfate and phosphor TAT 33. It was found that the adding of TM-3-18k into the oil Tribological additives in the amount of 5.75 % under laboratory conditions can reduce the wear rate by 35.1 – 35.5 %, the maximum load also increases by 17.1 – 17.2 %, and the welding load increases by 5.3 – 8.4 %. The analysis of experimental data shows that this Tribological additive can be operated at locally loaded parts of 1035 N, and the peak contact overload is up to 2385 N.
The research results suggest that the proposed Tribological supplement makes it possible to improve the characteristics of the tribosystem. It can be useful to service and trucking enterprises during technical service and for the manufacturing of composite oil.
Tribological additive, Clay, Wear, Oil, Lithium soaps, Sodium soaps, Metakaolin, Welding load, Maximum load, Optimized composition