
Volume 43, No 3, 2021, Pages 386-396

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Study of the Formation of the Alloyed Surface Layer During Plasma Heating of Mixtures of Cu-Sn/CrXCY Alloys


V.T. Nguyen , N.A. Astafeva , A.E. Balanovskiy

DOI: 10.24874/ti.1070.03.21.05

Received: 11 March 2021
Revised: 4 May 2021
Accepted: 26 May 2021
Published: 15 September 2021


In this work, to assess the possibility of obtaining an alloyed layer by plasma heating of the mixture of the PRV-BrO10 alloy and the coating of the welding electrode OK 84.78. The study of the structure is given using the optical microscope MET-2 and the measurement of microhardness - hardness testers of the HMV-G series. It is established that with a thin layer of pre-coating, the coatings are completely saturated, and with a thick layer - the formed zones are different in microstructure and microhardness. In the case of 0.25 mm pre-coating thickness, the addition of chromium carbide leads the strong increasing of the hardness compared to tin-bronze alone. In the case of 0.50 mm pre-coating thickness, for the upper soft zone rich in copper, the average microhardness value is below 250 HV, and for hard particles in this zone in the range of 500-700 HV, the lower saturated zones have high hardness in a wide range (400- 700 HV). The slow scanning speed of the torch and a thick layer of pre-coating are the reason for incomplete saturation and the appearance of defects on the surface of St3 steel.


Cu-Sn, CrxCy, Plasma heating, Tin-bronze, Thickness, Microhardness, Alloyed coating

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Volume 46
Number 4
December 2024

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