
Volume 43, No 4, 2021, Pages 632-642

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Microstructural and Tribological Characterization of API X52 Dual-phase Steel


H. Gamri , O. Allaoui , S. Zidelmel

DOI: 10.24874/ti.1098.04.21.11

Received: 27 April 2021
Revised: 22 July 2021
Accepted: 3 November 2021
Published: 15 December 2021


The effect of the morphology and the martensite volume fraction on the microhardness, the tensile, the friction and the wear behavior of API X52 dual phase (DP) steel has been investigated. Three different heat treatments were used to develop dual phase steel with different morphologies and with different amounts of martensite: Intermediate Quenching Treatment/Water (IQ); Step Quenching Treatment (SQ) and direct quenching (DQ). Tribological tests are conducted on DP steels using a ball-on-disc configuration under normal load of 5 N and at a sliding speed of 4 cm/s were used to study the friction and wear behavior of treated samples. Results show that the ferrite–martensite morphology has a great influence on the mechanical properties of dual phase steel. The steel subjected to (IQ) treatment attain superior mechanical properties compared to the SQ and the DQ treatments. On the other hand, it is also found that the friction coefficient and the wear rate (volume loss) decrease when the hardness and the martensite volume fraction increase. The steel with fine fibrous martensite provide good wear resistance.


X52 HSLA steel, Heat treatment, Dual-phase, Friction, Wear, Phase transformation

Current Issue


Volume 46
Number 4
December 2024

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