Volume 46, No 1, 2024, Pages 97-106
Static and Kinetic Friction of 3D Printed Polymers and Composites
Nikolay Stoimenov ,
Mara Kandeva ,
Mihail Zagorski ,
Peter Panev
DOI: 10.24874/ti.1546.08.23.10
Received: 21 August 2023
Revised: 12 September 2023
Accepted: 4 October 2023
Published: 15 March 2024
The work examines the characteristics of the static and kinetic friction of five types of polymer materials and composites obtained by 3D printing, which are united into 2 groups: group A: PLA, Tough PLA (Technical Polylactic acid), and SteelFill (PLA with stainless steel powder approx. w80%15) and group B: PETG (Polyethylene terephthalate): PETG and CarbonFilTM (PETG with carbon fibers). Results were obtained and analyzed for the variation of the static and kinetic friction force, the static and kinetic coefficient of friction (COF), and the difference between the static and kinetic COF (a jump in COF, known as Stick-slip) from the magnitude of the normal load in two cases of contact with a steel counter-body - without lubricant and with SAE15W40 oil.
Polymeric materials, 3D print technology, Tribolog, Friction